100 Posts

Well, today marks my 100th post & it has been almost exactly 1 year since I began this blogging adventure. I’ve enjoyed writing about my life, things that inspire me, crafts & creations, and especially about my girls. But, with all that said, I think it’s time to take a little break. I’ve loved having the outlet & connection, but with two babies I really need to be intentional with my moments. 😉 And with NaNoWriMo 2012 on the horizon, I’m going to be even more pressed for time! Besides, you can always find me on pinterest!

I don’t have any plans to close the blog, and I will probably keep my Book List updated, but life is sweet & the days are short that my little pumpkins will be this little. Thanks to those of you who have read and commented and encouraged me. Much, much love!


Poetry in motion

Found myself (accidentally) at a poetry reading tonight! Inspired me to crack open my notebook tonight that has been gathering dust since last year’s novel writing experiment. My struggle has always been making time for creativity & with two little babes I do not have the luxury of waiting around for an inspired moment. (Most likely that moment will occur in the middle of a tantrum or a poop filled diaper!) If I don’t make the time, it just doesn’t happen.

What inspires you? How do you find time/space to let your creative self be inspired?

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“Once upon a time…” I think those are four of my favorite words. What is it about stories? Why are they so captivating? How do they manage to all at once engage, captivate and inspire us? Why are we the only species to share them? Tell them? Live for them?

I was the kid who had to have the book pried from her white-knuckled grip at the dinner table or who would lay in bed at night promising herself “just one more chapter” into the wee hours of the morning (oh wait, I still do that). I loved that stories could instantly take me from my quiet bedroom to a dark night in the French countryside, or a humid jungle with the calls of birds and monkeys echoing in my ears, or the damp, dark recesses of a dungeon. Stories are magic.

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Review: How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm

As a new mom (the first time around) I devoured countless parenting books (memoirs, novels, how-to’s, articles, etc) because 1) I love to read, and 2) there is something so magical about connecting with people through written words – I couldn’t wait to connect with other parents in the joy of having our first child! Of course I’m drawn to stories of mother/daughter relationships (factual & fictional) but I also love the occasional “professional” opinion. I’m the type of person who “researches” something to death before I attempt it myself (i.e. gardening, lesson planning, child-birth). The night I went into labor with my first I was up at 2a.m. rocking in my rocking chair reading The Bradley Way for last minute tips. 😉

I heard about the book How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm (by: Mei-Ling Hopgood) from an awesome blog I discovered a few months ago – Science of Mom – written by a former research-scientist-turned-stay-at-home-mom. Her posts are always very interesting and include extensive research & references (very impressive as the mom of a toddler). After reading her review I happened to go to the library and there it was on the “new release” shelf! 🙂

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Blogger Award!

This blog has been such a fun undertaking the last 6 months and I’m so glad I finally “got off the bench” and went for it! What started as an outlet for writing has become a place I come to process, share ideas & recipes, gain incredible insight into motherhood, and meet some amazing new people! I have recently reached some wordpress “milestones” (50th post, 20th follower) – big accomplishments for this little blogger – and I was recently nominated for Versatile Blogger Award by a fellow blogger & friend! First, there are some rules:

  • Thank the person who gave you this award & include a link to their blog.
  •  Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. Nominate (award) those bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
  •  Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

First of all, thank you to my friend Joy at One Joyous Heart for nominating me & sharing her heart for God and her daughters with the blogging world.

I have to admit, that I am not a part of the blog-o-sphere enough yet to have 15 nominations (just discovered subscriptions, y’all!), but the nominations that I have are ones that I read (and love) regularly.  Some blog often, some just every so often, but they all have wonderful things to say & share:

1. Nina Badzin’s Blog: creative writer & mom – humorous & insightful!
2. Becoming Jolie: my first e-friend (and really my inspiration for finally taking the blog “plunge”)…someday we WILL hang out in person, Jolie! 😉 – she is so cute & witty, check out her blog today!
3. Science of Mom: looking at motherhood from a scientific perspective – always interesting!
4. The Soulsby Farm: small farm with great info & ideas
5. Seed to Salad: a fellow home-gardener (with a focus on healthy eating!)
6. Sarcastic Cooking: sweet, funny, short stories & yummy recipes (I have a long list of emails in my inbox waiting to be tried & taste-tested!)
7. LadyLee in Process: another mom who tells sweet stories & takes lovely pictures
8. Mamacita Spins the Globe: another mom blog (found on Pinterest) with incredible ideas for teaching your kids geography – so creative & fun!

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I have a confession…

I have a confession: I like fast food. I know, I know, it is SO bad for me but sometimes it just calls my name. Today, in fact, I succumbed to temptation and bought (on my way home from a very whole foods grocery trip) 2 filet-o-fish sandwiches for $3.59! I felt like such a sucker – they totally have me hooked. I know for some of you the thought of eating fast seafood is about as appetizing as pickles & ice cream, but I can’t help it – it’s just tasty.

A similar confession (somewhat) is my admission to reading the entire Hunger Games trilogy in about 2 weeks. I just couldn’t stop. The cliff hangers kept me frantically turning pages, staying up until wee hours finishing “one more chapter”, letting my toddler play with mommy’s phone or eating LOTS of cheddar bunnies so I could have a few more moments of quiet… I was hooked. This was about a year ago, but I’ve been noticing that it’s hard for me to get into other books…they’re just not as exciting. A good friend of mine is pursuing her PhD in literature and recommended some of her favorite books to me. One of them was Our Mutual Friend (a more obscure Dickens) but I have been plugging away at it for over a month now and I’m barely half way through! It’s like I have literary ADD…or a “sugar” addiction where I begin to get groggy & light-headed a few pages into a classic. Not good!

I’m not hating on THG (I just admitted to devouring them) but I am arguing that it is definitely an instant-gratification genre of fiction and I’m afraid I need to put myself on a diet if I’m going to appreciate other works of, shall I say, “substance.” The story was exciting – the author had a knack for surprise & suspense – but I felt like most of the story was more for “shock value” than real story development or growth of her characters. Even the main character (I won’t give anything away!!) seems relatively unchanged by the end of the trilogy and I was more than a little unsatisfied with the overall conclusion. If you like suspense, dramatic love triangles, vivid descriptions of food AND fashion, or just appreciate some good ole-fashion violence, THG will not disappoint you!

This week I’m finishing A Tree Grows in Brooklyn in preparation for next month’s book club and so far I really like it. The story is slower than Katniss’ life-threatening moment-by-moment adventures but I’m appreciating the imagery and the emotions of the protagonist.

“She looked at the neat row of freshly sharpened pencils, the green square of blotter, and the fat white jar of creamy paste, the precise stack of cards and the returned books waiting to be put back on the shelves…Yes, when I get big and have my own home, no plush chairs and lace curtains for me. And no rubber plants. I’ll have a desk like this in my parlor and white walls and a clean green blotter every Saturday night and a row of shining yellow pencils always sharpened for writing and a golden-brown bowl with a flower or some leaves or berries always in it and books…books…books…”

You just won’t get the same internal dialogue from teens in the throes of adolescent angst all while battling for their lives in a futuristic arena! (Oh, the drama!!) I suppose it really is like processed food – a little is okay in moderation, especially when balanced with whole foods and exercise. Hopefully, I can get back to reading Dickens soon!

“Golden Age”

Yesterday, Sam & I decided to watch a movie in the middle of the afternoon. This was  pretty out of the ordinary but we had rented Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris for Valentine’s Day and had unfortunately gone to bed early with head colds. I had heard a few positive things about the movie and we figured it would be a cute comedy for the “day of love.”

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