Just one more story…please!

I’ve had quite a few friends confess that they are scared their little one won’t be a “reader” when he/she grows up. Usually this friend is someone who loves reading themselves and can’t imagine their child growing up without the thrill of a good story, read by flashlight, under the covers, into the wee hours of the night.

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Letter A

This post was drafted a few weeks ago & we have since completed Weeks B & C as well! It’s going really well & has been an easy way for me to put a little purpose into our week. For more ideas & to see what else we’ve done, you can check out my ABC pinboard.


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Fave Five: Back to (pre)School!

Fall is in the air! I absolutely love this time of year & I’ve recently started being a little more intentional with N’s activities throughout the week. Each week I try to focus on one letter, color, and animal. I’m hoping it will give a little structure for both of us – so N will know what to expect each day in terms of her playtime, and I will not go crazy before naptime (she doesn’t go down until 3pm these days!!). Each week will look totally different, but I’m hoping that N will come to expect some rhythm and look forward to starting a new letter each week. So far we’ve finished week A & B and here are some of our favorite new books (notice the titles contain A’s & B’s!):

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Eat your veggies…week 2

Had a pretty good week last week…only a few exceptions to our whole foods “rules” – I had another pumpkin spice latte (in celebration!) and we grilled bratwurst on Sunday that were leftover from our block party (it was Sabbath & we didn’t want to just throw away perfectly good food). My stomach was not happy about the brats so I think that’s a pretty good sign that my body is feeling the benefits.

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Whole Foods

I’ve written before about my journey to better eating and I hesitated even writing this post because it is such a “hot topic” these days. However, in keeping with the name of my blog – food is something I seriously LOVE. With that in mind, we’ve decided to try and eat a strictly whole foods & plant-based diet for the month of September. The reason I phrase it this way instead of vegetarian or vegan is because 1) they are both loaded terms & 2) we knew we wanted to have some flexibility throughout our “diet” (read: lifestyle change!)… I’m hoping to blog about some of our experiences, what I’m sure will be MY personal struggles (Sam is disciplined, I am emotional), and also include any especially good recipes that I find along the way! Our original inspiration came from the documentary Forks over Knives (you can find it on Netflix) & we will also reference the Engine 2 Diet. Yummm…

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Cardboard Zoo!

Due to the recent addition in our household (and mommy needing some quiet time) N has been on quite a few trips to the zoo. What toddler doesn’t love the zoo? It is such a change from the normal everyday activities they participate in at home, they get to be outside, and they get to see ANIMALS! N’s favorites (at least when she has gone with me) were the lemurs & the ducks. Ducks! The Toledo Zoo has this awesome area called Nature’s Neighborhood that is super interactive & she loves to (literally) get her feet wet!

I have so many fond memories of the Zoo (although that was back in the day when you had to travel UNDER the Anthony Wayne Trail in the damp, creepily-lit TUNNEL & the Carnivore Cafe actually housed real feline carnivores! Can’t wait to tell the kids those stories!) and I could gush about our Zoo for a while, so instead I will get on to the craft…

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